New Initial Evaluation
Scenario One: A student has never received services in Georgia and is being referred for an initial evaluation.
After selecting the link to override Timeline Dates, you will get a message that no student record history was found. There will then be three options that you can provide as a reason for starting the case for the student. The choices available after this point are interactive and adjust based upon allowable compliance options.
- Since this student is starting the initial evaluation process, option 1 will be used. This will result in showing the blue “start consent for evaluation” link on the Timelines page.
- This option should be used even if the consent has already been gained and evaluation may have been completed, but eligibility has not yet been completed.
- Consent for evaluation dates will be entered through the blue “start consent for evaluation” link after the override has been submitted.
- All initial events will then be included in the system Timelines report for initial eligibilities.
- There are three reasons the student may begin due process with a consent to evaluate. After choosing option 1, the three referral reasons will display. If the student is preschool age, a question will appear related to BCW referral. If that is answered YES, the BCW referral date must be entered.
For the current scenario, the student is an initial referral, so the first referral reason would be chosen.
The second referral reason is used if the student had previous special education events but is currently exited from special education.
The third referral reason is used for a transfer student that has been reported by either parents or a previous district as being a student with a disability, however, there is no Georgia history of special education placement and there is no verifiable documentation for special education eligibility from any school district. This student would also need to begin an initial evaluation process.
3. After choosing the appropriate referral reason and responding to the BCW question, if appropriate, click SAVE and then SUBMIT TIMELINES OVERRIDE at the bottom of the screen.
4. The initial evaluation process would then be started by using the blue “start consent for evaluation” link on the Timelines page.