GO MTSS/SST users can use the Support Ticket feature to request help or assistance in using the application.  Assistance can be requested within an LEA and from state support.  

The support ticket links can be found on the user's menu page.

Creating a Support Ticket

To create a support ticket, users must provide the following support ticket details: module, sub-module, support type needed, priority, and a ticket description.

In the example below, the user is requesting assistance because the SST Final Report will not print.  Users must provide a ticket description. Important note: Be sure to click on the "Save Ticket" link to save your ticket description.

When a user enables the "Save Ticket" link, the user will be able to upload support attachment(s) about the issue, select a ticket action, submit it the appropriate individual, or discard the ticket.

In the example below, the user attached and uploaded a file named "Screenshot of the issue".  

Ticket Actions

Users can advance a ticket or request information. Users must make a ticket action selection before they can submit the ticket. 

A user with the of teacher can advance tickets to a System Admin.

School admin roles can request ticket information from a user with a teacher role.  School admins can advance tickets to a user with a system admin role.

System admin roles can request information from a school admin or teacher role.  System admin users can advance tickets to state support. 

Users must click on the "Advance Ticket Support" link so that the ticket can be seen by the person who needs to respond to the ticket.

Important Note: After successfully advancing the ticket, you should be able to see this ticket in your "My Tickets - In Process. Users can access this when they click on the "Manage Support Ticket" link on their user menu.  This is the third section of that page. 

The ticket owner can see it in their "My Work Queue" section.  

Managing Support Tickets

Users can address tickets that were sent to them.  To access these tickets, users must click on the "Manage Support Ticket" link on their user menu.

The following sections are on this page: (1) My Work Queue, (2) Ticket Resolved in past 7 days, (3) My Tickets - In Process, (4) My Tickets - Resolved/Closed Tickets, and (5) My Tickets - Archived Tickets.

If a ticket is advanced to or returned to a user, it will appear in the user's My Work Queue area.  Tickets that are in the user's My Work Queue area require the user's attention.

My Work Queue

If a user sees tickets in this section.  The user is the ticket owner and no one else can see it unless it was created by them.  Users who create a support ticket will be able to see it in the "My Tickets - In Process" section of their page. 

To see the ticket, click on the edit icon button to open the ticket. 

The user will be able to see the support ticket details, attachments, and actions performed on the support ticket. Additionally, the user can take additional actions or discard the ticket altogether.

My Tickets - In Process

Users should use this section to track the progress of support tickets they created.  Note:  The ticket owner is the only person who can see and respond

to the ticket.

My Tickets - Resolved/Closed Tickets

In this section, the user can click on the magnifying glass to view resolved or closed ticket details and action history.  

The user can also click on the archive image to send resolved or closed tickets to the My Tickets- Archived Tickets section.

My Tickets - Archived Tickets

Users can view their archived tickets in this section by clicking on the magnifying glass.