Districts can access a student's most recent finalized SST report from a previously enrolled LEA.  

To access this report, users can go to the student's profile page in the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) 

to see if an SST report is available in the Downloadable Reports section.

Users will be able to review a PDF file of the most recent finalized SST report from the previous district. 

Districts who have access to GO MTSS/SST will also be able to see the actual documentation in the student's record.  

To see the actual record, the school must own the GTID and the student should not be active in another district's 

GO MTSS/SST site. 

To access the student's historical information in your GO MTSS/SST account, follow these steps: 

1.  Search for the student as new.

2.  Assign the student to a Team Lead.

3.  Click on the student's name.

4.  Review the history sections of the Meetings, SST, and Documents pages.

Meetings History

On this page, you will be able to see a student's meeting history from the previous district(s).

SST History

On this page, you will be able to see a student's SST history from the previous district(s).

Documents History

On this page, you will be able to see documents uploaded to the student by the previous district(s).

Historical information appears in these sections when a student is exited from the GO MTSS/SST Application.

Users can begin to schedule their meetings and record their own SST information by clicking on the "Start Initial SST" link on the Timelines page.