These reports will assist you in identifying SWDs transferring in and out of your district as well as allow you to track verification of team members on each student's team. It will sort as needed by school. 

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Assign CM – Transfer IN (NonGO sys)

This is a list of students reported to DOE by other GA LEAs as SWDs, and your district currently owns the GTID. These will be students who have NEVER had a case in GO-IEP.  You will want to determine whether or not the student is enrolled in your district. If so, you will need to assign a casemanager, get the necessary paperwork from the prior district, and submit the override in GO. 

This report includes students whose GTID status remains Active AND:

    • the student is less than 22
    • the GTID belongs to your LEA
    • In GO-IEP, there is no record for the GTID

Assign CM – Transfer IN (Returning) 

This is a list of students for whom your district had a prior case in GO, and after that last exit, your district has reclaimed the GTID. You will want to determine whether or not the student is enrolled in your district. If so, you will need to assign a case manager, get paperwork from a prior district if necessary, and submit the override in GO.  This report may overpopulate because sometimes a GTID is claimed after an exit date. 

This report includes students whose GTID status remains Active AND all of the following are true:

    • the student is less than 22
    • the GTID belongs to your LEA
    • In GO-IEP, there is an exited case for this student with an exit reason other than no longer eligible for special education
    • the exit date on the exited case is earlier than the latest GTID claim by your LEA

Exit – Transfer OUT – New Sys Claimed 

This is a list of students with active cases in GO-IEP, but another district has claimed the GTID. You will want to verify whether or not the student has moved. If so, you will need to withdraw the student from GO. If not, you will want to reclaim the GTID. 

This report includes students whose GTID status remains Active AND all of the following are true:

    • there is an active case in GO-IEP which was started prior to the latest GTID claim
    • the latest GTID belongs to a different LEA

Assign CM – Transfer IN (GO sys)

This is a list of students for whom another GA LEA had a prior case in GO, and your district has claimed the GTID. You will want to determine whether or not the student is enrolled in your district. If so, you will need to assign a case manager, get the necessary paperwork from the prior district, and submit the override in GO. Much of the paperwork may already be available to you if it was created in GO or uploaded on the documents tab in GO. 

This report includes students whose GTID status remains Active AND all of the following are true:

    • the student is less than 22
    • the GTID belongs to your LEA
    • In GO-IEP, there is an active or exited case for this student that belongs to any district other than your LEA
    • if the case is an exited case, the exit reason for this student is any other than no longer eligible for special education

Team Member Validation

This is a list of students who are assigned a case manager in GO. This report will record verification of appropriate team members on each students' team to help ensure that only the appropriate individuals have access to the information inside of GO about that student. As each case manager verifies the team members for the students on their case load annually, it will be recorded in this report and indicate when the date of verification was completed and who verified the information.