Administrators may use this report type to see a list of all students in their system or school with case manager, or to filter for all students on a particular caseload

Reports can be generated filtered by selecting “Schools” and “Case Manager” from drop down list.  The following options are available to choose from; only one option can be selected to generate reports based on options selected.

A. IEP Due: 

A report will be generated for students whose IEP is overdue. This report will help  system and school administrator, as well as case managers, determine whether any student has an IEP which is overdue for review.

B. IEP Due in (_) Months: 

A report will be generated providing a list of students with IEPs that will be due for review in  the selected number of months. This report will help system and school administrator, as well as case managers, monitor students with current IEPs that will be due in the designated number of months.

C. Eligibility Due: 

Reports will be generated for Students whose Eligibility is overdue. This report will help system and school administrator, as well as case managers, determine whether any student has an eligibility report which is overdue for reevaluation.

D. Eligibility Lapse in (_) Months: 

Reports will be generated for students whose Eligibility will be due for reevaluation in selected number of months. This report will help system and school administrator, as well as case managers, monitor students with current eligibilities that will be due in the designated number of months.

E. GAA Student:

This report will help system and school administrator, as well as case managers, monitor all students  whose active IEP indicates they will participate in GAA.  

F. Disability:

This report will help system and school administrator, as well as case managers, generate a list of all students with active IEP indicating each student's primary disability area. 

G. Interpreter Language:

This report will provide a list of all students with a parent that has a primary language other than English.

H. Pending Evaluations:

This report will help system and school administrators, as well as case managers monitor students with an active consent to evaluate. 

I. No IEP: 

This report will help system and school administrator, generate a list of all students without IEP Due Date..

J. NO Eligibility:

This report will help system and school administrator, generate a list of all students without an Eligibility Due Date.

K. Override Not Submitted:

This report will help system and school administrator, generate a list of all students who do not have a Timelines Override submitted.

L: SOP Report: 

This report will help system and school administrators, generate a list of all Grade 12 student to show if there is an SOP connected to the active IEP.

M. Exited Students: 

Exited Students report can be generated based on a selected date. It will include the students exited since that date with school, grade at the time of exit, DOB, IEP due date, eligibility due date, exit date and exit reason.