The following statements are examples of information that might be entered in the strength section if there are no problems noted in the associated area.


General education teachers report that the student is successful in all academic areas.


The student's ability to care for needs in adaptive areas such as eating, dressing, grooming, and toileting is within expected range based upon age.


Student is able to effectively communicate based upon age expectations with peers and adults in all settings.


The student's intellectual functioning appears to be average or above average.

Results of assessments in this area indicate that the student has average or above average intellectual functioning.


Student has no known medical problems and appears to be in good health. School attendance is good.


Student has age appropriate gross and fine motor skills.


    • Refer to a processing chart for specific processing skills which could be cited as strengths based on observation and interview.  Contact a member of the GO-IEP team if you need this resource.
    • For PK age students, comment on academic readiness skills. If the student is not able to access readiness skills at any level, then enter a comment in the weakness section explaining this. Remember that for a student who is identified as eligible in speech must have educational impact. Usually this will mean weaknesses in the areas of academics and/or social emotional. These weaknesses should be formally assessed. The classroom teachers should be able to provide benchmark data or state assessment data. 
    • Example based on observation: He has strengths in the area of visual perception such as the ability to differentiate colors and shapes or look at a picture and give information. He can remember an item when it has been removed from view.  He also has strengths in the areas of spatial awareness and proprioception.  He can physically navigate an area without bumping into things. He can catch or throw a ball well for his age. 



Student passed vision screening.

Student passed hearing screening.


Student is able to process information through all senses adequately.


The student follows school rules, has many friends, and works well in collaborative settings.


    • Use any written product or attempt at a work product. If the student is not able to even attempt a work product, then comment in the weakness section on why there are no work products than can be described.