Georgia Milestones
Georgia Milestones Allowable Accommodations
Administration policy, protocols, and eligibility guidance are provided in the Student Assessment Handbook (SAH), related Test Administration Manuals and training opportunities.
Allowable Accommodations may change at any time. GO-IEP will show allowable accommodations in the drop down list for the Georgia Milestones as listed in the most recent SAH. IEP Teams must refer to the allowable accommodations within the SAH when determining relevant accommodations for a student.
Please see the section Special Test Accommodations for adding accommodations that are approved for a student through a Special Accommodation request.
Conditional Accommodations (ELA only- see the Student Assessment Handbook Read Aloud Guidelines):
- If Human Reader, Human Reader/Interpreter, or Audio Text to Speech (TTS-C) is selected as a state testing accommodation for the ELA passages, then the Present Levels Category: Reading must be added with at least one of these areas with a goal - Sight Word Recognition, Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, Phonemic Analysis, Fluency and Rate, Central Auditory Processing, and/or Decoding. If you have questions about this audit, please reach out to your GaDOE Assessment Specialist or your GO-IEP Program Specialist. Please refer to our GO-IEP HELP section for Special Eligibility Guidelines for additional information.