Georgia Alternate Assessment 2.0 Allowable Accommodations 

Administration policy, protocols, and eligibility guidance are provided in the Student Assessment Handbook, related Test Administration Manuals and training opportunities.

Administrative Procedures:

Administrative procedures are the general practices that are often included in test administration manuals and should be used whenever possible for all students for a given assessment. Administrative procedures are those allowable variations in test delivery protocols and supports that are utilized by districts to allow educators to create optimal testing conditions for students.  

Specific administrative procedures are identified in the accommodations chart for GAA 2.0. It is particularly important that guidance is followed as presented in test administration manuals. For example, the repeat of test directions is an administrative procedure for all assessments. Additionally, timing guidance is provided for scheduling and planning purposes and is not intended to be a strict limit. Typically, a planned extended testing session is one and a half times the recommended testing time. However, any student who is actively engaged in testing can continue working up to the end of the school day. 

GO-IEP Tip: In GO-IEP, please select all accommodations that are relevant and appropriate for the student on the State Testing Tab for GAA 2.0 even if they are listed as an Administrative Procedures in the Student Assessment Handbook. These accommodations will prepopulate onto the Student Supports page for the Classroom Accommodations section of GO-IEP and should not be retyped in. Accommodations that are Administrative Procredures should be the same accommodations the student is using within the classroom and not for the first time for a State Test.