Special Eligibility Guidelines
Special Considerations for Conditional Accommodations
Conditional accommodations must be used sparingly and only when the student requires the accommodation to access the test due to the disability. The student’s IEP team must determine and document that the conditional accommodation is absolutely necessary in order for the student to participate in the general testing program. Guidance on the use of each conditional accommodation is provided below.
Note: Given the purpose of each assessment program may differ, accommodations may be standard for some assessments, but conditional for other assessments.
Eligibility Guidelines: Reading of English Language Arts (ELA) Passages
Guidance for Use of Conditional Accommodation: Sign ELA passages.
The use of this conditional accommodation for the English Language Arts Georgia Milestones, regardless of grade level, must be restricted to only those students with IEPs/IAPs who meet the ALL eligibility criteria outlined below:
1. The student is deaf and has a specific documented disability that severely limits or prevents his/her ability to decode text at any level of difficulty, even after varied and repeated attempts to teach the student to do so; and
2. The student has access to printed materials only through a sign-language interpreter or is provided with signed text or other electronic format during routine instruction; and
3. There are clear and specific goals within the student’s IEP/IAP addressing the deficits which necessitate the need for this conditional accommodation.
Under secure conditions, supervised by the SchTC or STC, the sign interpreter may review test materials prior to the test administration to plan appropriate signing.
Guidance for Use of Conditional Accommodations: Oral Reading of English Language Arts (ELA) passages.
The use of this conditional accommodation for the English Language Arts Georgia Milestones, regardless of grade level, must be restricted to only those students with IEPs/IAPs who meet ALL eligibility criteria outlined below:
1. The student has a specific documented disability that severely limits or prevents his/her ability to decode text at any level of difficulty, even after varied and repeated attempts to teach the student to do so (i.e., the student is a non-reader, not simply reading below grade level); and
2. The student has access to printed materials only through a reader or electronic format during routine instruction; and
3. There are clear and specific goals within the student’s IEP addressing the deficits which necessitate the need for this conditional accommodation.
NOTE: The preferred method of administration for this conditional accommodation is the screen reader. Where a human reader delivers the accommodation, examiners must adhere to directions provided in the posted Read-Aloud Guidelines.
Video Sign Language or Sign Language Interpreter
For Georgia Milestones assessments, students who are eligible for a standard signed administration, Video Sign Language (VSL), can be assigned in the online assessment platform to complete the assessments. The directions, questions and answer choices are signed to the student. The signed administration video is available in American Sign Language (ASL).
To prepare for a VSL online administration, the Examiner and/or sign language interpreter should review VSL forms in either the Secure Practice Test or the Experience Online Testing Georgia website to learn how VSL functions within the online platform. It is also recommended that students interact with VSL prior to the actual administration. Additionally, the Examiner and sign language interpreter should review the script in the Examiner’s Manual to understand how administration procedures apply to the script and to a successful administration of the assessments.
If a student’s teacher serves as the interpreter in a testing situation, it is recommended that a second person is present to monitor for quality and fairness. If allowed to sign test items and prompts, interpreters must not clarify, elaborate, paraphrase, or provide assistance with the meaning of words, intent of test questions, or responses to test items. Interpreter services need to be arranged prior to test day. Specific guidance for signed presentation of assessments is found in the American Sign Language Guidelines guidance document.
Eligibility Guidelines: Calculator Usage
Guidance for Use of Conditional Accommodations 31: Basic function calculator or adapted basic calculator.
The use of this conditional accommodation for the Mathematics Georgia Milestones for students in grades 3-5 must be restricted to only those students with IEPs who meet ALL eligibility criteria outlined below:
1. The student has a specific disability that prohibits him or her from performing basic calculations (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), even after varied and repeated attempts to teach the student to do so; and
2. The student is unable to perform calculations without the use of a calculation device, which the student uses for routine classroom instruction; and
3. There are clear and specific goals within the student’s IEP addressing the deficits which necessitate the need for this conditional accommodation.
NOTE: Only a basic function or basic adapted calculator may be used; scientific and other advanced calculators are strictly prohibited. The test administrator may not provide any assistance or direction to the student regarding the use of the calculator.