GO MTSS/SST generates SST Reports.   This report includes information that was entered by the user and is in line with GEORGIA Board of Education Rule – 160-4-2-.32 .

The GEORGIA Board of Education Rule states that each school shall document SST activities to include the following: 

  1. Student’s Name
  2. Meeting of team members
  3. Meeting Dates
  4. Identification of student learning and/or behavior problems.
  5. Any records of assessments
  6. Educational plan and implementation results
  7. Follow-up and, as appropriate, continuous evaluation.

The SST report consists of the following seven sections: Student Information, State Assessment Results, Identification of Student's Strengths or Weaknesses, Education Plan, Follow-Up Plan,  Recommendations, and Team Members present.

Student Information

 State Assessment Results

 Identification of Student's Strengths or Weaknesses

Education Plan

Follow-up Plan, Recommendations, and Team Members present.