GO MTSS/SST aligns and integrates with Georgia's Online IEP (GO-IEP).

Data from GO MTSS/SST feeds into GO-IEP when a case manager is assigned and when the eligibility meeting is started in the GO-IEP application.

Case Manager Assignment

If a student has an active Tier III Intervention in GO MTSS/SST, then at the time of case manager assignment in GO-IEP, the following data will be prepopulated IF already entered in GO MTSS/SST:

  1. Select information added by the user on the Student and School page
  2. Information added by the user on the Parent/Guardian page
  3. GKIDS data added by the user on the Assessment Data page
  4. Documents uploaded on the Documents tab by the user

Eligibility Meeting Started

When an eligibility meeting is started, the following data will be prepopulated in GO-IEP IF already entered in GO MTSS/SST.

  1. Data from the Developmental History page will feed into the Case History page of GOIEP.
  2. Data from the Student Data page will feed into the Student Data page of GOIEP.
  3. Data from the Progress Monitoring page will feed into the Progress Monitoring page of GOIEP.

Progress Monitoring Data Refresh

Interventions imported on the progress monitoring page are not editable but can be refreshed. The Refresh Data from SST feature allows users to continue to monitor response to interventions from the time of the referral until the time of the eligibility and IEP meeting.