End-of-Year Procedures

GO MTSS/SST Student Records

  • Ensure that all meetings dated during the current school year have been finalized.

  • Review the dashboard after the students' last day and before the teachers' last day and complete/finalize all meetings.

  • If required locally, check that documents have been uploaded to the Documents tab.

  • System administrators should have school administrators review teacher dashboards before the end-of-the year teacher check- out processes are completed.

Updating Staff Access

  • After the teachers' last day, reassign caseloads and inactivate any staff member who has left the district.

Accessing Student Records

  • If students are changing schools within the LEA, consider the following: 
    • In the Tier II module, add these students to their new school's batch after the schools have claimed GTIDs.

      • Find out when schools in your LEA claim GTIDs for the new school year.

    • Students will not be able to add to their new school's batch if the student still has an active case with the previous school within the LEA or in another LEA. 

      • Consider this when creating End of Year Procedures for your school and LEA.

    • In the Tier III Module, staff who are assigned to the student's school will be able to see the student records if the following is true:

      • The school owns the student's GTID number.

      • The student is not active in another school within the LEA or another LEA.

      • A teacher is assigned to the school, assigned the appropriate application role, and assigned to the student to the student inside of the application.

        • Tier II - Staff is system admin, school admin, or assigned to a student as an interventionist.

        • Tier III - Staff is system admin, school admin, or assigned to a student as a team lead or a team member.

Special Note: Each School and LEA should develop end-of-year procedures to ensure that appropriate staff have access to the students.  Additionally, procedures are needed to ensure that student records are accurate and ready for use.