Beginning of Year Procedures

Staff Set-Up

  • Delete SLDS login for employees who have left and inactivate the user in GO-MTSS/SST.

  • Add SLDS login with GO-MTSS/SST access for appropriate newly hired staff members.

  • Create a User Profile for appropriate newly hired staff members.

  • Assign User Role for appropriate newly hired staff members.

  • Change User Role for any staff members who have changed positions.

Student Set-Up

  • Re-assign team leads for all students with different team leads.

  • Assign team leads for transfer students to your system (use the GUIDE Claimed Report to help identify these students).

  • After schools have claimed GTIDs for the year, verify that grades and schools are correct in GO-MTSS/SST by randomly selecting a few students who have changed grades and schools.

Intervention Set-Up

  • Make sure that intervention groups and intervention details are current.

  • The System Admin should update Intervention lists.

Special Note: Each School and LEA should develop beginning- of -year procedures to ensure that appropriate staff have access to the students and can enter student information and progress monitoring data.