Georgia Online IEP allows a variety of user roles to ensure that educational privacy is enforced. A teacher can only see students assigned to them and only an authorized school employee can assign IEP cases to case managers.

There are eight user roles available in GO-IEP. Two user roles cannot be assigned.  

System Admin: A system administrator can assign roles to any Online IEP user in the district (school system), can assign students to Case Managers, and can view/edit all students in the system. They can also generate system level reports, which can be filtered by school.

School Admin: Same privileges as a System Admin, but only for the school(s) to which they are assigned in GO-IEP. They can also generate school level reports.

Special Ed Teacher: A special ed teacher can view/edit any students assigned to them as a case manager or a team member.

General Ed Teacher: A general ed teacher can view any students if they have been assigned as a team member.

SystemReadOnly: A person assigned SystemReadOnly can view all information for any student in the district. This person cannot make any changes to a student's records. They can also generate system level reports, which can be filtered by school. The role for SystemReadOnly with document upload rights has been added along with a new warning message when submitting an Initial IEP dated more than 30 days after initial eligibility. For the new role, if you want SystemReadOnly user to have the ability to upload documents, change their role on the user list to this new role.

SchoolReadOnly: The same as SystemReadOnly, but only for the school(s) to which they are assigned in GO-IEP. They can also generate school level reports.

Default:  When a user logs in to GO- IEP the first time, they are given the default role. A school or system admin will assign permissions as needed to new users. Student data is not available until a different role is assigned.

GNETS ADMIN and GNETS Teachers will be auto assigned based on the rights of the user in SIS/SLDS and are not editable.

Valid Role 

Examples of who might have this role

View or View/ Edit student IEPs and eligibilities

View or Edit level

Can Assign Case Manager for view/ edit level?

Can set up students (complete override)?

Progress Report

Reports that can be viewed

Support Tickets

Additional rights?

System Admin 

System Special Education Director; System Special Education Coordinator; System Level program specialists



All students enrolled in the system



Can view/ update the progress reports for any student assigned as a case manager or team member;  Can finalize or inactivate progress reports for any student assigned as case manager or team member


Can create; can address tickets submitted to system admin; can advance tickets to state support

Will have access to the System Admin area including timelines report, SOP template, and System calendar set up; Can manage user roles; Can Inactivate or Exit students; Can close meetings; Can separate meeting notices; Can add FTE code for disability category



GNETS Director;

GNETS Coordinator;

GNETS program specialists



Students enrolled from any LEA through one log in



Can view/ update the progress reports for any GNETS student assigned as a case manager or team member;  Can finalize or inactivate progress reports for any GNETS student assigned as case manager or team member.


Can create student specific tickets and submit to system admin

Will have access to the System Admin area for EOG System Testing Window; Can manage user roles for GNETS staff; Can close meetings; Can separate meeting notices; Can add FTE code for disability category

School Admin

School level special education department chair; school-based special education lead teacher; school principal



All students enrolled in the assigned schools (Note: schools assigned within the user application in GO-IEP) and any student within the system assigned as a team member 



Can view/ update the progress reports for any student assigned as a case manager or team member.  Can finalize or inactivate progress reports for any student assigned as case manager

Students by caseload, Meetings, IEP, Progress Reports, FTE Service Minutes per week, SR Report (cannot generate extract), FTE Submission Report (cannot generate extract)

Can create; can address tickets submitted to school admin; can advance tickets to system admin

Can manage user roles for staff assigned to school(s); Can Inactivate or Exit students; Can close meetings; Can separate meeting notices; Can add FTE code for disability category

Special Education Teacher

Special Education teacher assigned to school; SLP assigned to single or multiple schools; therapists assigned to single or multiple schools; itinerant teachers assigned to single or multiple schools


All students assigned to case load or as a team member



Can view/update the progress reports for any student assigned as a case manager or team member. Can finalize or inactivate progress reports for any student assigned as case manager.

Students by caseload, Meetings, IEP, Progress Reports, FTE Service Minutes per week

Can create; can advance tickets to school or system admin


GNETS Teacher

GNETS Special Education teacher assigned to school; GNETS itinerant teachers assigned to single or multiple schools


All students assigned to case load or as a team member



Can view/update the progress reports for any student assigned as a case manager or a team member. Can finalize or inactivate progress reports for any student assigned as case manager.

Students by caseload, Meetings, IEP, Progress Reports, FTE Service Minutes per week

Can create; can advance tickets to school or system admin


General Education Teacher

General education teacher


All students assigned as a team member



None- Can view completed progress reports on assigned students’ Progress Reported tab.




System Read Only

Superintendent; System testing Coordinator


All students enrolled in the system



None - report only

Students by caseload, Meetings, IEP, Student Record Extract, Progress Reports, FTE Service Minutes per week


Can upload some documents

School Read Only

School Principal; School Assistant Principal


All students enrolled in the assigned schools (Note: schools assigned within the user application in GO-IEP) and any student within the system assigned as a team member 



None - report only

Students by caseload, Meetings, IEP, Progress Reports, FTE Service Minutes per week




Users who have not yet been assigned a user role within GO-IEP. 


Cannot view or edit any student information; Can complete their user profile 





