1. Two enrollment questions are available on the Student Profile Page. The default answer to both is YES.  System Admins can edit these responses. Make sure to SAVE before leaving the student profile page. Note that this MUST be done prior to starting the document from the timeline page. 

Once a student has been designated as not publicly enrolled, by answering the first enrollment question as NO, a Services Plan can be developed.

The following scenarios will assist you in the SP process:

If this is a student who has a current eligibility and/or IEP in GO and you want to create an Annual Review SP without creating an IEP first:

"No" is selected for the first enrollment question.

  •  Continue to the Timeline page to select the appropriate link for starting a meeting notice. 

2. When Modify Meeting Purpose is selected on the meeting notice, the choices will be Create an SP or Continue with IEP. If Create an SP is selected, an Annual Services Plan will populate under IEP. Additional purposes for the meeting can be selected if appropriate.

3. After submitting the meeting notice, a View/Update SP button will be available on the IEP tab to edit.

4. IEP Sections to select for new SP will become available.

  • The required sections which are automatically included in the SP are shown below:

  • PLAAFP, Other Info, Special Factors and Services are mandatory sections for the SP and are selected by default.
  • All other sections are optional and can be added if desired by choosing the Add Sections Button at the top left of the page.

This box will appear to allow you to select the sections you want to add.

  • If a section is added in error, clicking the Add Section button again will reopen the section selection box to deselect the section.

  • Audits will be done for PLAAFP, Other Info, Special Factors, and Services sections as well as any other sections selected.

• Finalize the SP. The SP is now Active unless the service start date is a future date in which case the status will be finalized until the date services start and then it will become active.

If this is a student who has a current IEP in GO and you want to convert it to a SP:

This can be done through amending the IEP or starting an annual review.

PRIOR to choosing to amend the IEP or start the annual review, the system or school admin should change the enrollment question on the profile page to NO.

When the amend IEP button is chosen, the question appears asking the user if they want an IEP or a SP. To convert to a SP, choose SP.

When the Start IEP Annual Review/SP is chosen, the Meeting notice will open. Choose Modify Meeting Purpose. A question appears asking the user if they want to create a Services Plan or continue with an IEP. To convert to a SP , select SP.

• If this is done through an amendment, the newly created SP will have areas from the previous IEP grayed out and data from those pages will not copy into the SP since they are not required in the SP.

When this done through Start IEP Annual Review/SP, only the Sections relevant to a Service Plan will be active. The other areas that are relevant to an IEP will be grayed out.  

  • To add any new section to the SP, click on Add Section on the top of the screen.
  • When a new section is added in this way, it doesn't carry over previously entered data from the IEP (in the case of an amendment) and will be a blank section.
  • If a section is added in error, clicking the Add Section button again will reopen the section selection box to deselect the section.
  • The SP can be edited as needed in the present levels. All areas of weakness from the IEP should be kept in the SP but revised to indicate that the need cannot be addressed through services available to parentally placed private school students if the student will not receive services to address this need under the SP.

  • Any goals which will not be addressed or services which will not be provided under the SP should be deleted.
  • Audits will be done for PLAAFP, Other Info, Special Factors, and Services sections as well as any other sections selected. Some audit rules have been modified for the SP.
  • Finalize the SP
  • The SP is now Active, and the previous IEP status is now Archive.

If this is a private or home-schooled student for whom an Initial IEP is being developed first to determine how the student could be served if the parent wanted to enroll their child:

"No" is selected for the first enrollment question.

  • Continue to the Timeline page to select the link for starting a meeting to create a meeting notice.

  • When Modify Meeting Purpose is selected on the meeting notice, the choices will be Create an SP or Continue with IEP. Choose Continue with IEP.

  • Develop and Audit the IEP.
  • When Finalizing the IEP, FAPE options will be displayed for user to select. On the Audit / Finalize IEP screen, the FAPE section will show for students who are not currently publicly enrolled.

  • If option “A” is selected, the parents have chosen to enroll the student in a public school. Upon choosing "Start IEP Finalize,": the IEP will finalize, the enrollment questions on the profile page will change to YES indicating the student is now Publicly Enrolled, and the Status of IEP will be “Active”.
  • If option “B” is selected, the parents are declining the offer of FAPE, but accepting an offer of an SP, IEP Sections to select for new SP will become available. Select Finalize IEP & initiate a new SP. The IEP gets finalized and the status is “Never Active”. The SP is created, and the status is "Development”. The sections selected will be copied from IEP to the SP and the SP is linked to the same meeting notice as the parent IEP and will need to be completed and finalized.
  • If option “C” is selected, the parents have chosen to decline both the IEP offer of FAPE and the SP. The IEP will finalize, and the status of the IEP will be “Never Active”.
  • If option “D” is selected, the parents have chosen to decline the IEP offer of FAPE and the school system is not offering a SP. The IEP will finalize, and the status of the IEP will be “Never Active”.



What happens


The parents have chosen to enroll the

student in a public school system

IEP will finalize

The enrollment questions on the

profile page will change to YES

indicating the student is now Publicly


The Status of IEP will be “Active”


The parents are declining the offer of FAPE,

but accepting an offer of an SP

IEP Sections to select for new SP

will become available

The IEP gets finalized and status “Never Active”

The SP is created, and Status is


The sections selected will be copied

from IEP to the SP and the SP is

linked to the same meeting notice the parent IEP


The parents have chosen to decline both the

IEP offer of FAPE and the SP

IEP will finalize

the Status of IEP will be “Never



The parents have chosen to decline the IEP

offer of FAPE and the school system is not

offering an SP.

IEP will finalize

the Status of IEP will be “Never


  1. If a parent wants services under a SP, DO NOT have the parent sign IEP Consent for Provision of Special Education and Related Services and indicate NO. Instead, have them sign the SP Consent for Provision of Special Education and Related Services and indicate YES. 
    • It is not necessary to have either form signed again (for example if the student moves from being served through an IEP to a SP and back to an IEP). 

If this is a student who is enrolling with a current SP that you want to convert to an IEP:

This can be done through amending the SP or starting an annual review.

PRIOR to choosing to amend the SP or start an IEP annual review, the system or school admin should change the enrollment question on the profile page to YES.

When the Amend SP button is chosen, the question appears asking the user if they want to create an IEP amendment or SP amendment. To convert to an IEP, select IEP.

The date will need to be changed; therefore, you MUST go to the meeting notice and edit the date and time for the meeting.

When the Start IEP Annual Review/SP is chosen, the Meeting notice will open. Choose Modify Meeting Purpose. A question appears asking the user if they want to create a Services Plan or continue with an IEP. To convert to an IEP, select IEP.

  • The IEP can now be edited or created by clicking View/ Update on the IEP tab.
  • If this is an amendment of the SP, the newly created IEP will have areas from the previous SP that can be edited as needed. Sections of the IEP that were not included in the SP will be blank and will need to be completed before finalizing.
  • You will be able to complete and finalize the IEP and print the Consent for IEP services using the link on the timelines page if needed.
  • After Finalizing the Status of the IEP will be “Active”.