
Reevaluation This is a process which must be completed on all special education students at least once every 3 years unless the parent and the public agency agree that it is not necessary.

Reevaluation Process Waiver- This is a signed agreement that takes place before a reevalution begins and is an opportunity for the parent and the public agency to agree that a reevalution or a review of data is unnecessary. 

  • In GO-IEP this option is currently limited to users with the role of system administrator.
  • Special Education Directors may want to review which users have the role of a system administrator within GO-IEP.  All system administrators will have the ability to access this option. 

Reevaluation Data Review – This is Step 1 in the reevaluation process.This may be the only step in the process for many students. As part of the reevaluation process, the IEP Team, including the parent and other qualified professionals must review evaluation data, including but not limited to the current full eligibility on the child that is already available. This review may include evaluations and information provided by the parent, current classroom-based local or state assessments, classroom-based observations, and observations by the teacher and related service providers. This review may be conducted without a meeting if the parent and LEA agree not to convene a meeting for this purpose.  If no additional information is needed, this completes the reevaluation process and the date of this determination is the child’s reevaluation date.  

Evaluation-   If a decision is made to conduct additional assessments, a variety of evaluation tools and strategies would be used to gather relevant academic, functional and developmental information about the student, including information provided by the parents that may assist in determining any needed additional information for the reasons listed during the data review process. Assess the relative contribution of cognitive and behavioral factors, in addition to physical or developmental factors.

Reevaluation Eligibility If a decision is made to conduct additional assessments, then after the assessments are complete, the Team reviews those assessments and determines the child’s continued eligibility and educational needs.  Once this determination is made, this completes the reevaluation process and the date of this determination is the child’s reevaluation date. This step in the process involves the completion of a new Eligibility form. 

Starting a Reevaluation- Data Review 

This data review should include a review of evaluations and information provided by the parent, current classroom-based local or state assessments, classroom-based observations, and observations by the teacher and related service providers.  This review may be conducted without a meeting if the parent and LEA agree not to convene a meeting for this purpose.  

The team will, on the basis of that review, and considering how long it has been since a comprehensive evaluation of the child last occurred, identify additional data needed, if any, to determine the following:

  • Whether the student continues to be eligible for special education 
  • Whether the student needs special education and related services
  • The present levels of academic achievement and related developmental needs
  • The special education and related services needed to meet the measurable annual goals 
  • The special education and related services needed to enable participation, as appropriate, in the general education curriculum

Completing the Reevaluation Data Review in GO-IEP

The form is quite easy to use and should guide you through the process if you read it carefully as you complete it. 

The draft and final print of the Reevaluation- Data Review form will both print with some additional information.

  • 3 years of enrollment history in GA
  • 3 years of attendance history in GA
  • Prior state testing results
  • A list of services in the student’s current IEP if this IEP was done in GO-IEP
  • A list of behaviors addressed in a BIP in the student’s current IEP if this IEP was done in GO-IEP

  1. Click “Start Reevaluation Data Review” from the Timelines page. 

  1. Complete the meeting notice

  1. Select the Elig/Reevaluation tab and open the Reevaluation Data Review form using the blue View/Update button.

  1. Add data to the report

Be sure that comments are included for all domains which are pertinent to the existing disability areas. For example, Medical should be included for OHI or OI, Adaptive and other areas should be included for ID. The comments need to justify the decision which will be made in the next section. If you feel that the student needs to remain eligible for any disability, then the comments should justify continued eligibility for all existing disabilities. If you have questions about eligibility for a different disability category, then the form should document concerns in the domains pertinent to that disability. 

  • GO-IEP requires information to be entered in at least three areas. This is a minimum number but most students should have information provided in more than three areas.
  • Statements like See Psychological Report or See IEP Goals are insufficient.

  1. The link is always available for Consent letter which may be needed depending on the recommendation.

  1. Select a recommendation. Only 1 of the 3 options can be chosen.

      IDEA reasons for Reevaluation

     In IDEA, an evaluation might be needed to determine:

  • Whether the student continues to be eligible for special education 
  • Whether the student needs special education and related services
  • The present levels of academic achievement and related developmental needs
  • The special education and related services needed to meet the measurable annual goals 
  • The special education and related services needed to enable participation, as appropriate, in the general education curriculum

     The first two reasons impact eligibility.

     The last three reasons impact IEP development.

Option A 

This option includes the first 2 reasons and since the evaluation is needed for making an eligibility decision, a new full eligibility report will be completed.

If you select A, you must also check at least one area to be formally evaluated.

The new 3-year cycle will not begin until the new full eligibility report is completed.  

The date of the new full eligibility report will be reported in SR as an Event 08 

Special Note: Additionally, the IEP may often need to be modified or a new AR developed in order to address any change in needs based on the evaluation results. However, GO-IEP will not have a process to require this unless there is a change in disability(ies).


If there is a change in the disability(ies) once a new Reevaluation Eligibility has been completed, an IEP amendment or new Annual Review must be completed also, to change the disabilities listed in the IEP. 

If Option A was selected, after finalizing the Reevaluation Data Review, a link will appear on the Timelines page to “Start Reevaluation Eligibility” The Reevaluation Eligibility process will look almost exactly like Initial Eligibility. The student will appear in the PENDING EVAL Report. This evaluation should be completed in a reasonable time period. 

Option B

Option B should be selected only when the committee feels that no additional information is needed for any of the 5 reasons given in IDEA. This means that committee members know everything they need to know in order to agree that the student remains eligible and in order to develop the IEP. Disability categories cannot be changed using this option.


If option B is selected, then the student will remain eligible for all existing disabilities.

Once finalized, this will complete the reevaluation process and start a new triennial due date. 

This date will be reported in SR as an Event 08

If Option B was selected, a link will appear on the Timelines page to “Start Reevaluation Data Review” when it is time to begin the Reevaluation Process again.

Option C

Option C should be selected only when the committee feels the reason for the reevaluation is to gather information needed for IEP development. It includes the last 3 reasons for reevaluation.

NOTE: This option could be selected for many reasons including when an evaluation is needed to determine related service needs, or if an FBA is needed. 

Disability categories cannot be changed using this option. 

If you select C, you must also check at least one area to be formally evaluated.

If Option C was selected, there will not be an active link for reevaluation on the Timeline page but GO-IEP will show a placeholder with the phrase “Reevaluation in Process to be documented in IEP”. The student will appear in the PENDING EVAL Report. This evaluation should be completed in a reasonable time period.

  1. Finalize-

After choosing one of the three recommendations options and summarizing all the data reviewed to make the recommendation, use audit finalize to complete the meeting.

Finalize will be the same as for other meetings.  At the top right of the page, the link is always available for the Consent to Reevaluate letter. A PDF of the Reevaluation Data Review can be printed at any time also from the link in the top right. 

Completing the Reevaluation Process for Option C

When completed and finalized, the Reevaluation Data Review table will show Eval Requested for IEP with a status of archived until the evaluation is completed and evaluation data has been addressed in the PLAAFP section of a future IEP annual review or amendment. The previously active eligibility will remain active and the reevaluation due date is not yet changed. 

When finalizing any future IEP, until the process is completed, GO-IEP will show a new field above meeting notes in the IEP audit for “Reevaluation Area Assessed".

An IEP audit will check to ensure that data has been entered in the areas selected and that a date for that source of information has been entered which is later than the date on which the evaluation was requested in the Reevaluation Data Review.  

The reevaluation process is considered to be completed when, either in a single IEP annual review or amendment, or in a series of IEPs or amendments, all areas selected in the Reevaluation Data Review as needing to be evaluated have been checked as evaluated. 

The date of the IEP meeting which completes the evaluation process will be reported in SR as an Event 08. The new 3-year cycle will begin on this date.

The Reevaluation table will show a Reevaluation Results in IEP indicating that the evaluation requested has been completed and the results are available in the IEP. The new due date will appear here as well as on the Timeline page. Is Eligible will be yes and the status will become active.

After the IEP which completed the reevaluation process has been finalized, then GO-IEP will

  • show a link to Start Reevaluation Data Review on the Timelines page.
  • Create a mock reevaluation named “Reevaluation Results in IEP “. It will be dated the same date as the IEP which completed the reevaluation process and the 3-year reevaluation due date will be based on that. This will complete the reevaluation process and start a new triennial due date. GO-IEP will show the same disabilities inside the mock reevaluation.
  • In addition to documenting the results of all evaluations completed in an IEP, you MUST also complete and provide the parent with an Evaluation Report for all evaluations completed.
  • Documenting the results in ONLY the IEP will not be adequate because IDEA allows for an eligibility report which is comprehensive enough to serve as an evaluation report. It does not allow for an IEP report to serve as an evaluation report.

Note:  If, after beginning the evaluation for Option C, the LEA decides that there may be a change in disability and a full evaluation is warranted, please submit a ticket to state support from the student's profile indicating the need to change the link to Start Reevaluation Eligibility and ask to remove the flags from the IEP for documenting the evaluation results.