Placement options
1. From the services tab within the IEP, click on the appropriate box for the placement options considered. Options chosen by the team will be entered in the ADD Services section.
Type of Service |
Description of Service |
Consultative |
Direct support to the student in the general education setting by the Special Ed teacher for 100% of the time identified in the service |
Collaborative |
Instruction in the general education setting with support from the Special Ed teacher for 100% of the time identified in the service which should be less than 100% of the time the student receives instruction in that class for that content area |
Co-teaching |
Instruction in the general education setting with support from the Special Ed teacher 100% of the time identified in the service and 100% of the time the student receives instruction in that class for that content area |
Supportive Instruction |
Instruction in the general education setting with support from a paraprofessional, interpreter or others for 100% of the time identified in the service OR instruction provided by a 1:1 para in the special education setting with the Special Ed teacher for 100% of the time identified in the service |
Small Group or Individual Services |
Instruction outside of the general education setting in a regular public school provided by the Special Ed teacher 100% of the time identified in the service |
Separate School |
Instruction provided in a school with only students with disabilities such as a GNETS center |
Home Instruction |
Instruction provided in the home setting by the Special Ed teacher for 100% of the time identified in the service |
Residential |
Instruction provided outside the general education environment in a residential setting by the Special Ed teacher for 100% of the time identified in the service |
Hospital/Homebound (short term) |
Instruction provided outside the general education environment for a student with a disability, and a medically diagnosed condition restricting them to hospital or home for a period designated by a physician, by the Special Ed teacher for 100% of the time identified in the service |
Hospital/Homebound (intermittent) |
Instruction provided outside the general education environment for a student with a disability, and a medically diagnosed condition restricting them to hospital or home for irregular intervals designated by a physician, by the Special Ed teacher for 100% of the time identified in the service |