Sometimes districts need to exclude students from the Student Records Extract. 

A. If you answer “NO” to the question “is the student currently enrolled in your district?” A draft IEP for the student will be modified to be an Service Plan (SP). The “NO” answer will also allow you to answer the next question. This question is only editable by system admins.

B.“Was the student publicly enrolled in your district at any time during the current school year?” If not, this student will be excluded from the Student Records Report. This question is only editable by system admins.

C. For any student that you are getting an SR record indicating that there is no matching enrollment record for the student who has events reported, first be sure about whether or not enrollment needs to be added for this student. If the student is a Pre-K student and is being served under an IEP, even if being served at home or in a local daycare this student should be enrolled. 

D. If the student is appropriately NOT REPORTED as enrolled, change the response to this question to NO and the student will be excluded from your next extract.