After entering the student's preference and interests including the fields for date of transition assessment, name of assessment and course of study for the student, the program user will select the " Save" button and then click the "Add Outcomes" button to begin working on post secondary goals which the student would like to accomplish after graduation.  Program users can then select Employment, Education/Training, or Independent Living from the drop-down menu, write the goal and select "Save". When writing the goal, GO provides and prints a sentence starter "After graduation the student will...." Program users should complete the sentence.  These steps will be repeated to ensure that goals are written for the required outcomes of Employment and Education/Training.  Write a goal for the optional outcome of Independent Living as appropriate. The outcome goal should only include ONE job, career, or field rather than multiple choices (..... seek a job in ______ or ________ is non-compliant).

The annual transition goal and transition activities show up below the post secondary outcome that is selected. This process can be completed for all three areas. 

Selecting the EDIT button next to the goal once developed allows you to view or edit the transition activities.