A. Date student entered 9th grade or is expected to enter 9th grade should be entered. 

B. Enter the month, day and year of the expected graduation date

C. Select the type of diploma the student is pursuing

D. Designate whether Graduation requirements have been explained to parents

E. Record any additional local school system graduation requirements. A system administrator can develop a statement to share with all high school teachers. The field can be blank if there is no additional local requirement. Topics could include limitations to participation in graduation ceremony or additional carnegie units locally required

F. Transfer of Rights-- At age 18, students become their own educational decision makers, unless a court decides they are not able to make these decisions. On or before a student’s 17th birthday, the district is to inform the parents and the student that, at age 18, the student attains the age of majority in Georgia and will become his or her own educational decision maker. 

Districts may also inform parents of other options or about where to get more information about guardianships, powers of attorney, and any other options. For example, it may be that for some students, a guardianship or a more limited form of transfer of rights would be necessary. Beginning at age 18, the district is to send all notices to both the parent and the student, but the student will provide informed written consent for any action requested by the district. When the student turns 18, he or she becomes the educational decision maker; but while the student is eligible under the IDEA, the parents retain the rights to all notices of meetings, notices of changes in program or placement, and notices of evaluations.

If the parent obtains a court order regarding guardianship, power of attorney, etc. that changes the transfer of rights, this information needs to be documented in the IEP Meeting Notes.