The "Create Support Ticket" link allows program users to create two types of support tickets.   

When the "Create Support Ticket" link is selected from the menu, it will create a general support ticket. The general support ticket is not connected to a specific student and should not be used for student-specific questions or issues. 

If a school admin or a teacher tries to create a ticket which is NOT a student-specific ticket, they will get an error message and be unable to do that. They must create student-specific tickets. Only system admins can create a GENERAL ticket regarding an issue which is not student-specific.

Tickets that are student specific must be generated from inside the students’ file so the information about the student will auto-populate in the ticket when it is created. 

To create a student-specific support ticket, program users must select the "Create Support Ticket" link when they are in a student's electronic file. Below, the image shows the active electronic case file for Ralph Bangs.  


The ticket below was created using the "Create Support Ticket " link from within Ralph's electronic file, so the ticket includes his student information at the top of the ticket. 

NOTE: If any user in a district creates a support ticket and only saves notes, but doesn’t complete a ticket action (i.e., send the ticket to the next level), the ticket does not appear on the student’s Tickets tab in the case and remains in that users work queue.

To manage or check on tickets submitted or in process, use the "Manage Support Ticket" link from the same drop-down menu.


Manage Support Ticket is a page used by program users to monitor the tickets that they have created or have been advanced to them. There are several sections on this page. 

This section is based upon the ticket owner. Tickets in this section require action from the ticket owner.  


The My Work Queue section shows the support tickets owned by the program user based on their user role which are awaiting an action by the user (such as responding to a question, advance the ticket, or archive the ticket). The tickets in this area will be ordered based upon priority level. Tickets are EDITABLE if they are in YOUR WORK QUEUE. If they are not in your work queue, they will be view-only so that you can check on them. You will be able to RECALL or CLOSE a ticket which is VIEW ONLY.

  • For a special education teacher, tickets will show for those students for whom they are the case manager. 
  • For a school admin, the tickets will show for those students for whom they are a school admin for the school that student attends. 
  • For a system admin, all  of the tickets for your system requiring action from a system admin will show. 

The Tickets Resolved in past 7 days section will show for SYSTEM ADMINS ONLY. This is a rolling list of any tickets marked as resolved in the past 7 days. Tickets will be ordered by the date they were created. You will be able to view these tickets, but not add any notes or take any action. You may want to verify the completeness of this ticket. Resolved tickets will not continue to show in this grid after they have been resolved for more than 7 days. They will still be visible in either RESOLVED/CLOSED or ARCHIVED grids described below.

Check this list frequently to see if any tickets have been returned.

The My Tickets - In Process section shows all the tickets created by the program user that have not yet been resolved. When monitoring tickets, program users should review the “Ticket Owner” column to determine where the ticket is in the resolution process.

  • Tickets created by teachers could be sent to SCHOOL ADMIN and either resolved and sent back to teachers or forwarded to system admin, if needed. 
  • A System Admin can send tickets to a School Admin or to a Special Education Teacher requesting additional information, resolved, or advanced to State Support for additional assistance. 

Each step requires additional notes to be entered and saved before the ticket action can take place. State support can resolve the ticket and return it to

resolved tickets in the system admin queue or request additional information from the system admin and send it to the system admin work queue or the teacher

who created the ticket.


The My Tickets – Resolved/Closed Tickets section will be shown for all users and will contain all tickets created by YOU and previously closed or resolved, but not yet ARCHIVED. Tickets will not be editable.  

When a ticket is returned by SCHOOL ADMIN, SYSTEM ADMIN, or STATE SUPPORT as resolved, it will appear in this queue for the person who CREATED the ticket. It will also appear in the TICKETS RESOLVED IN PAST 7 DAYS system admin queue so that a system admin can verify them as completed and then archive. 

You will see a view button and an archive button (file cabinet). The archive button will move the ticket down to the Archived Tickets grid below.

This grid is not always open – but may be expanded if desired by clicking the “+". This will show all tickets which have been archived.

Each school system can decide whether they want to use School Admin as a role for the workflow of support tickets. This would allow users who are School Admin in GO to serve as an additional level of support between System Admin and Special Education Teachers. 

This option can be found on the System Admin tab under System Defaults. The default answer to this is NO. If you want to change this to YES: Go to the System Defaults link on the grey bar at the top to see this question:

      1. Change the answer to YES
      2. Save


There is a Ticket Report on the Reports menu that allows a system admin to see all tickets generated, which ticket queue they are in, and what status they have. If they are still in the teacher or system admin work queue in draft format, they have not been advanced to the next level of support. 

The chart above indicates where tickets can or should be advanced to. The Ticket Action is based on user roles, support ticket workflow access (identified in the system admin defaults) and the issue identified in the ticket. 

Within each individual student electronic file, there is a "Tickets" tab. This tab will show all tickets ever created for that student, regardless of the status of the ticket. This is a view-only feature.