Completion School enhancement

  • On the student profile page under Additional Information a new option has been added to assist the teachers and administrators at completion schools in accessing students they serve that are enrolled in local LEAs. 

CCCompletion School Program Students

  • If you have students who are enrolled in your LEA but attending a Completion School such as Coastal Plains Charter High School, Foothills Education Charter High School, or Discovery Regional High School as Program Students, please remember to select the Completion School box on the student profile page in GO-IEP and select the site the student is attending. This allows the Completion School teachers and admins to login into GO-IEP through the CSS SIS to view and edit student information rather than having to log into the SIS for each individual LEA. 
  • First select the Completion School from the dropdown menu.

  • Then select the site they are attending. SAVE