Information which you want to import from SST to IEP must be entered PRIOR to assigning a case manager in GO-IEP. Data not entered prior to that time will need to be manually entered in GO-IEP. 

Upon referral to special education, a case manager will be assigned in GO-IEP. At that time, the student will have an active case in both applications. 


Assign student to a case manager.

If a student has an active Tier III Intervention in GO MTSS/SST at the time of case manager assignment in GO-IEP, the following data will be prepopulated in GO-IEP IF already entered in GO MTSS/SST.

  • Select information from the Student and School page
  • Parents/Guardians
  • GKIDS data added to the Assessment Data page
  • Documents loaded on the Documents tab

This is a screenshot of the Student and School Information page inside the Profile tab in GO-IEP. Much of the data already pre-populates based on data reported to GaDOE in various reports. However, the green arrows show additional information which will import at the time of case manager assignment from GO-MTSS/SST to GO-IEP. Once imported the data is editable in GO-IEP and cannot be updated again from GO-MTSS. Information cannot be both edited and refreshed as this would cause an overwrite of edits made by users.

The Additional information check boxes simply provide information that may be beneficial to know about the student. The STUDENT address on this page will also pull from GO-MTSS if it was entered in GO-MTSS.  In this screenshot, no address was entered in MTSS.


This is a screenshot of the Parent/Guardian page inside the Profile tab in GO-IEP. All information entered in GO-MTSS will automatically pull into GO-IEP at the time of case manager assignment. Once imported the data is editable in GO-IEP and cannot be updated again from GO-MTSS. Data from each of these text boxes will import into GO-IEP including the PARENT address, phone #, email, relationship to student, and primary language for each parent and whether an interpreter is needed. This information is entered individually for each parent. 

As shown here, the Assessment Data page in the Profile tab of GO-IEP will import the data that has been entered from GO MTSS/SST. If not previously entered, users can opt to add details about the GKIDS assessment. It will be editable in GO-IEP but cannot refresh again from SST.

In GO-IEP, on the documents tab, we have added an additional panel for SST Case Documents. All documents uploaded on the documents tab in GO-MTSS will be displayed at the time of case manager assignment and can be opened here. 

This page will not refresh, so any documents added after case manager assignment will not be visible in IEP unless they are uploaded again in IEP.