Information for this section may be summarized from SST records, classroom benchmark data, or other system level reporting measures. If the parent requested immediate special education evaluation, the interventions provided during the evaluation period should be summarized. Re-evaluation data shall be obtained from the student's previous and current IEP progress report.

A. Area of Difficulty:  Identify the area(s) of concern [such as academic (reading, mathematics, writing); social/emotional/behavioral; etc. For Reevaluation, identify deficit areas based on the Individualized Education Program (IEP) goal(s). Additionally, list any new areas of concern that have developed since the previous eligibility including interventions and progress monitoring data associated with that area of concern.

B.  Intervention: Research- based instructional interventions used with the student to support him/her in the area of difficulty identified (A.) For initial eligibility, list the specific scientific, research or evidence-based intervention(s). For reevaluation eligibilty, list the specially designed instruction which includes: Adaption of Content, Methodology (specialized program), or Instructional Delivery. 

C.  Beginning Date: Date the instructor begins using the intervention with the student. 

D.  In Progress: This box is checked to indicate that the intervention is still being used with the student through the date of the eligibility meeting. If you select in progress, do not enter an end date.

E.  Ending Date: Date the instructor stopped using the intervention with the student, if applicable. If you select in progress, do not enter end date.

F.  Frequency: How often the identified intervention is used with the student (Example: 2 times per week for 15 minutes).

G. Baseline Performance Date: Date that data was collected for a baseline score in the identified area of weakness. For Initial eligibility, record baseline data for the intervention(s) implemented for Tiers 2 and 3. For Reevaluation, include the date the specially designed instruction/intervention was implemented from the IEP. Date cannot be earlier than 30 days prior to intervention begin date nor greater than intervention end date. 

H Baseline Performance Data:  Score indicating the student's baseline when assessed on a specific skill in the identified area of weakness when compared to same age or grade peers.

I.  Baseline Summary: Brief statement of how the student performed on the probe/assessment in the weakness area when compared to same age or grade peers.

J.  Intervention Date:  Date the student was assessed for progress on the skills the intervention is designed to improve. Audit cannot be prior to begin date or after end date or a future date. 

K.  Intervention Data:  Score indicating the student's performance when assessed on a specific skill in the identified area of weakness. For initial eligibility, progress monitoring data presented will show the student's Response to Intervention (positive effect or lack of response) that demonstrates that the student is/is not making sufficient rate of progress to meet age or State-approved grade-level standards within a reasonable time frame. For reevaluation, progress monitoring data will show present levels of academic achievement, behavioral needs and related developmental or functional needs of the student. The data will guide needs for any additional accommodation and/or modification to the special education and related services to meet the measurable annual goals set in the IEP.  Special education is included in Tier 4; so, there is an expectation of greater frequency of progress monitoring of student's response to intervention after being placed in special education. This data should be found in progress reports previously completed. Do not enter multiple data collection points in a single line

L.  Summary:  Brief statement of how the student has improved or regressed and impact of the intervention on educational performance based on the score recorded in the intervention data section. Describe how the student was performing on the date compared to similar age/grade peers.