Once an IEP and or Eligibility has been developed within GOIEP it will become available through a link on the student’s profile page within SLDS.  

1. On the individual Student Profile Page in SLDS, a link can be seen to Access the Student IEP. This link can be seen only by those who have appropriate access to the student profile page. It is available to ALL districts regardless of whether they use GO-IEP. Selecting this link will open a pdf of the last IEP completed for that student in GO. Click on the Blue link. It may open depending upon your browser, but it should go to your download folder.

2. If Safari is used as a browser, there may be extra extensions that will cause the download to not open. If that happens, single click on the file name to change the name.  Remove the .html extra extension. You may get a popup that asks you if you want to use only the .pdf extension. 


Once the extra extension is removed you should be able to open the file and view the IEP.

IEPs accessed through SLDS will show a log entry on the GO-IEP log to show when the IEP was accessed in SLDS and by whom.