This page will display a list of the remaining disabilities which may be considered after ruling any disability out due to an exclusionary factor.

Final Decision:

After considering all available information, committee members must decide whether or not the student is eligible for special education services in any of the eligibility categories listed. Eligibility determination should not be based on a pre-conceived categorical area. Check the box next to each disability category for which members agree that the student should be eligible.  If there are multiple disabilities listed, the student can be found eligible for multiple disabilities or no disabilities at all based on the requirements for the disability area(s) according to federal and state regulations. 

For each disability category selected, provide the rationale for that decision in the text box.

An explanation grounded in the rules for that disability should be listed in the available space. Any decision finalized by the committee must have data supporting that decision.

Once the process has been initiated by having a special education consent to evaluate form signed by a parent, the process must be completed by completing an eligibility form for students who are eligible as well as those who are not eligible.

Example of 8.1- individual student data should be included in the rationale. Please see the Final Rationale section of this HELP manual for specific information that could be included in the Committee Rationale section that is related to a student's eligible Disability Category.

If the student is not eligible for special education services, please enter a Committee Rationale for the determination.