If a user is assigned to a student as a team lead, team member, or interventionist, that user will be able to access the student’s record.  The first tab in the student’s record is the Profile tab. This tab consists of the following pages: Student and School, Parents/Guardians, and Assessment Data.  

The student and school information page consists of the following sections: Personal Information, Additional Information, and Demographic Information.  On this page, state-reported information is pulled in for the following areas: personal information and  English Learner status.  All other fields can be entered by the user: student's native language(s), student contact information, and any other additional information. The grade information is pulled from the Student Class file. A user can update a grade to a grade level above or below.  This should ONLY be used if there is a change in a student’s grade placement.

GO MTSS/SST and GO IEP Feed Note: 

Some information entered on this page will be automatically imported to GO-IEP if a case manager is assigned to GO-IEP.