Users assigned an admin role in GO MTSS/SST can set up students in the Tier II module. These users can access the Tier II module by clicking on the Batch Management link on their user menu.

 There are three steps to set up the Tier II module: (1) create a batch, (2) create intervention groups, and (3) assign students and interventionists to the group.  

Create a batch

Create Intervention Groups

 Assign Students and Interventionists to a Group

  • Search for students to add to the batch

  • Add group
  • Enter the intervention group's name
  • Provide intervention details

  • Add students and interventionists to the intervention group

Student Management Page

Group Management Page

Group Management Page

(1) Add Student to Batch

Users can add students to the batch from the Student Management Page.  First, click the student management tab.  Second, click on the Add Student(s) to Batch link.


(2) Create Groups

Users can create groups from the Group Management tab.  

First, click the group management tab. Second, click the Add Group link.


(3) Assign Students and Interventionists to the Group

Click on the eye icon   to add students and interventionists to an intervention group.  This will take the user to the Group Management page for the group created.

Go to the students and interventionist section of that page to add students and assign interventionists.

Adding Students

To add students, click on the add students link .  This will allow users to search for students within the batch and then select students to add to the group.

Adding Interventionists

To add an interventionist, click on the add interventionist link .  This will allow users to search for and select from a list of users that have been assigned to a school and roles within the application.

When these steps are complete, you will have a list of students in the group and the assigned interventionist(s).  See the image below for an example.