GKIDS 2.0 

Students Assessed 

GKIDS 2.0 is designed to provide information for all students as they progress through kindergarten and prepare for first grade. This requires accessibility that allows for students with varying levels of ability, including students with disabilities and students who are English learners (ELs), to participate in the performance tasks. At the same time, the assessment is designed to identify a student’s current knowledge and skills in an accurate way. 

Participation of Kindergarten Students in GKIDS 2.0 

All students enrolled in Georgia public school kindergarten classrooms should have the opportunity to participate in the GKIDS 2.0 assessment. The use of a universally designed approach to assessment development and implementation is critical to promote accessibility for all students. Because of the range of students’ development and learning in kindergarten, some features that are often perceived as accommodations for specialized populations are more appropriately considered as universally designed allowances. Universal allowances may be used, as needed, with all students for all performance tasks. A table of universal supports is provided in the GKIDS 2.0 Administration Manual.

Comprehensive Support 

Students requiring additional support may be provided comprehensive supports as described in the administration manual and individual tasks. Comprehensive supports provide access to a performance task but may substantially alter what the student is expected to do. If utilizing comprehensive supports, care should be taken when interpreting a student’s progress within the learning progression. 

Comprehensive supports must address the unique needs of the student for whom they are provided and should assist the student in overcoming any barriers that prevent him or her from demonstrating what he or she knows and can do. Teachers should use their professional judgment in determining the support needed for each student. Examples of comprehensive supports may be found in the GKIDS 2.0 Administration Manual. Kindergarten students with significant cognitive disabilities must take GKIDS 2.0.

Universal Allowances 

Universal allowances may be used, as needed, with all students for all performance tasks. These supports are aligned to best practices for access to instruction and assessment and provide flexibility to meet the diverse needs of a wide range of students. A table of universal allowances is provided.