(i) Students with significant cognitive disabilities may graduate and receive a

regular high school diploma when the student’s IEP team determines that the student


(I) completed an integrated curriculum based on the GPS that includes instruction

in Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies as well as career

preparation, self determination, independent living and personal care to equal a

minimum of 23 units of instruction, and

(II) participated in the GAA during middle school and high school and earned a

proficient score on the high school GAA in Mathematics, English/Language Arts,

Science, and Social Studies, and

(III) reached the 22nd birthday OR has transitioned to an

employment/education/training setting in which the supports needed are provided by

an entity other than the local school system.

Code: IHF(6) 160-4-2-.48 

The GAA section is an optional decision area. If GAA is not being considered for a student, the section should not be completed.  If it is started in error, use the DISCARD button at the bottom to discard the worksheet.

Program users will complete the Eligibility Criteria for the GAA 2.0 for every student for whom GAA is being considered.  

There are four questions that MUST be selected and answered. To be eligible to participate in GAA, the answer to all four of the questions must be YES. Program users will answer the questions that appear after each link Yes or No.  

To respond to each question, click the criteria name.

The question will open allowing the user to choose Yes or No. A NO response completes the selection. Make sure to SAVE the response.

Below is a link to the GAA 2.0 Learner Characteristics Inventory Form (LCI).

Learner Characteristics Inventory Form (LCI) 

A YES response allows the user to select the sources of evidence and provide a justification. For the sources of evidence, make sure to check all that apply.

This section is completed once all four criteria have been completed. Any question with an answer of "No" will result in the student being ineligible for participation in the GAA.

After the criteria questions are completed and saved, the answers will appear on the rubric screen.  Next program users must review the Assurance Statement section and save the worksheet. 

Saving the GAA decision allows the user to come back later to update.   Once the worksheet has been completed, the FINALIZE button will show if the student is eligible for participation in the GAA or not. Please finalize a draft decision first for the meeting draft to print and then re-open following the meeting to edit if necessary based on the team decision.

The final decision will print at the bottom of the page. After finalizing a decision, the rubric can be re-opened if needed to make changes using the REOPEN button. If it was completed and not needed, DISCARD will clear the form. If a decision is NOT FINALIZED, the GAA page will NOT PRINT in the final print.