Development of the File to DRC:

  • GO-IEP (Georgia Online IEP), GaDOE (Georgia Department of Education) Assessment Division, and the Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) collaborated to develop a new file that can be uploaded this year to DRC INSIGHT for student accommodations. 
  • System Test Coordinators will be importing the Accommodations for Milestones Report. This is a system-wide extracted file for all students with active IEPS in GO-IEP who will be testing for the Georgia Milestones ONLY. 
  • It was not designed to be imported by individual schools. 
  • This extracted file from GO-IEP is imported directly to DRC INSIGHT and includes a mapping of certain specific accommodations and information identifying whether a student has any accommodations for setting, scheduling, presentation, and response.

  • Finalize IEPs (ASAP)
  • Please finalize all student IEPs as soon as possible. Accommodations often change in an IEP and finalized IEPs impact this report in GO-IEP. An IEP that is still in development will not be captured by the accommodation extracted file going to DRC. 
  • If changes are made after the file is uploaded, the system test coordinator must reupload the accommodations file to DRC or manually change the accommodations within the DRC INSIGHT platform. 
  • System Administrators must work with their STCs on tracking IEP accommodation changes for the students before the testing window. 

Where to find the Accommodation for Milestones Report in GO-IEP:

1. Click on the link REPORTS.

2. In the reports search bar select Accommodations for Milestones Report.

3. Select End of Grade or End of Course (you cannot choose both at the same time) and then click the blue Generate Accommodations for Milestones Report button.

4. Select Generate Accommodations Extract.

  • Do not upload the Export to Excel to DRC Insight. This Excel report is for use at the local district level to confirm accommodations are correct BEFORE the System Test Coordinators upload the Accommodations for Milestones verification file to DRC. The Export to Excel file can be filtered down the school level.
  • Save this file to your desktop and do not change the name of the pre-populated report.
  • If you are not responsible for uploading the file to DRC, share the file with appropriate staff through a secure method.

Reminder for Using the Accommodations Import File:

  • The Accommodation Import file should be uploaded before the Multiple Student Upload so the automatic process of setting up test sessions can incorporate accommodation information during the rostering set up in DRC.
  • One import file may include accommodations for students with an IEP developed in GO-IEP. Districts may also use a combination approach that consists of file import uploads and manual entry. 
  • Remember that students with MOCK IEPS in GO- IEP will not be included in this report.

DRC Insight:

  • Students with no errors on their uploaded record will populate in DRC INSIGHT.  
  • Content areas for students with errors on their uploaded record (e.g., accommodation not valid for the content area) will not populate in DRC INSIGHT. System Test Coordinators will be guided to look for errors or flags for these students and content areas, and their records will need to be fixed by generating a new file to import after finalizing a newer IEP, manually fixing them in the import file and reuploading, or manually entering in DRC INSIGHT.  
  • Students with duplicate records on the Accommodation Import file (i.e., same student, same content area, same accommodations) will also receive an error flag, and neither entry will populate in DRC INSIGHT. 
  • An error report will include flags for these students; their records will need to be fixed as described above.  
  • STCs can review the GaDOE Assessment Webinars to learn more about uploading accommodations to DRC.